
Mobile Solutions – taking ERP to your front-end staff

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play a critical role in enabling companies to make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and respond effectively to dynamic market conditions. In fact, ERP solutions have become indispensable in modern business operations. They provide a unified platform that seamlessly integrates various departments, streamlines processes, and enhances productivity. With the mass adoption of AI and IoT, using cloud-based ERP software has revolutionized the ERP landscape for companies.

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The True Value of Open Source ERPs

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have played a pivotal role in optimizing business operations worldwide.

By integrating and streamlining various processes, ERPs have enhanced efficiency, productivity, and decision-making for businesses of all sizes.

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Karma and Product Feature Shelving

This was in regards to a functionality developed for a product that we managed. The feature was shelved about 4 years ago but was again picked up last month and the customer was really happy that the shelved work could be used with minimum hassle.

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Managing Cloud Hosting Costs(AWS)

The main challenge for new adopters of AWS is about how to manage the costs. For estimating the costs the best place to start is to use the AWS Calculator. But given the number of products it is quite possible to get lost while finding one’s way around the options.

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Easy replication with Postgres 10

Insights Easy replication with Postgres 10 Author : Hari P S Conceptual Overview: Postgres replication is a builtin feature of PostgreSQL. Logical and streaming replications are available. In Logical, it replicates only a set of tables to...

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Vagrant for ERPNext deployment

ERPNext installation has a series of well-defined steps, which could be run manually. Here we experimented with Vagrant to automate the process of creation of a ready-to-run ERPNext instance.

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Localizing Alfresco for Arabic

When talking about localization, we need to understand what it really means. Localization is the adaptation of a product or service to meet the needs of a particular language, culture or desired population’s “look-and-feel.”

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