

Mobile Solutions – taking ERP to your front-end staff

Author : Hari Madhavan

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play a critical role in enabling companies to make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and respond effectively to dynamic market conditions. In fact, ERP solutions have become indispensable in modern business operations. They provide a unified platform that seamlessly integrates various departments, streamlines processes, and enhances productivity. With the mass adoption of AI and IoT, using cloud-based ERP software has revolutionized the ERP landscape for companies. 

At Promantia, we take pride in being able to provide tailored open-source ERP solutions to our clients and we believe that embracing mobile solutions to take the ERP to the front office and on the move staff should be a crucial part of any company’s ERP strategy to stay agile and competitive in today’s digital era.

Our cloud-based solutions offer unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional on-premises solutions. Cloud based ERP eliminates the need for extensive hardware and infrastructure investments, reducing upfront costs and maintenance efforts. It allows remote access to real-time data, empowering employees to work from anywhere, promoting collaboration, and increasing productivity. With automatic updates and data backups, companies can stay current with the latest features and ensure data security, significantly impacting operational efficiency and success.

How to Choose the Best Cloud-Based ERP Software

Companies can make an informed decision that aligns with their unique needs by carefully considering these factors:


Ensure that the cloud based ERP solution can scale to meet your company’s growing needs and accommodate future expansion.

Evaluate the provider’s ability to handle increased data volumes, users, and additional features.

Customization and Flexibility

Look for cloud-based ERP software that offers flexibility in terms of customization to meet your specific business requirements.

Integration Capabilities

Check the ERP solution’s integration capabilities with other essential applications and tools your company uses, such as CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, or third-party software.

Seamless integration ensures smooth data, enhancing overall productivity.

Security and Data Privacy

Prioritize data security and privacy measures provided by the cloud ERP vendor.

Ensure the solution adheres to industry-standard security protocols, encryption, and compliance with data protection regulations.

Performance and Reliability

Assess the cloud provider’s track record in terms of uptime, availability, and reliability.

A dependable ERP solution from a company like Promantia should offer consistent performance and minimal downtime to prevent disruptions in critical business operations.

Cost and Pricing Model

Understand the pricing model of the cloud-based ERP solution and its associated costs, such as subscription fees, implementation charges, and ongoing support costs.

Compare pricing structures to ensure you are getting value for money.

Vendor Support and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Investigate the level of customer support offered by the ERP vendor, including response times and issue resolution procedures.

Ensure that the vendor provides clear SLAs to guarantee timely support and assistance.

User-Friendly Interface

Test the user interface and user experience of the cloud ERP solution to ensure it is intuitive and easy to navigate.

A user-friendly interface will reduce the learning curve for employees and increase overall adoption.

Mobile Access and Compatibility

Confirm that the cloud ERP system is compatible with mobile devices and offers.  Builds mobile apps for on-the-go access to critical business information.

Vendor Reputation and References

Research the reputation of the cloud ERP vendor in the market and seek references from current customers.

Customer feedback and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the vendor’s performance and customer satisfaction levels.

Challenges in Adopting Cloud-Based ERP Software

Implementing a cloud-based ERP software solution and bringing it to the front-end staff can encounter some hurdles due to various factors, including:

  • Training and Familiarity:

The learning curve for a new system can be challenging.

Workers may require comprehensive training to understand the features and functionalities of cloud-based ERP software.

  • Change Management:

Resistance to change is a significant hurdle when introducing a new ERP system. Front-end staff may be accustomed to legacy systems or manual processes.

  • Connectivity and Internet Dependence:

Reliance on internet connectivity is a potential concern, as any disruptions in the network may affect access to critical data and functionalities.

  • Security Concerns:

Staff may express apprehension about the security of cloud-based ERP systems, fearing potential data breaches or unauthorized access.

Ensuring robust data security measures and educating staff about security protocols are essential to alleviate these concerns.

  • Integration Challenges:

Integrating the cloud-based ERP with existing systems and applications can pose technical challenges, impacting data flow and smooth operations.

  • Lack of Support and Resources:

Inadequate support and resources during the ERP implementation can lead to frustration among front-end staff.

Timely assistance and ongoing support are critical to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Resistance to Technology:

Some front-end staff may resist using technology-driven solutions, leading to reluctance or slow adoption of the cloud-based ERP.

Encouraging a positive technology culture and demonstrating the benefits of the new ERP system can help overcome this obstacle.

  • Customization Needs:

Front-end staff may require specific customizations to tailor the ERP system to their workflows and individual roles.  Our recommendation is to understand the primary need, so as to eliminate any requirement coming from user attempts to keep the system similar to their existing processes & systems, while welcoming requirements that are based on the unique process or operational needs.

  • Data Migration Challenges:

Transferring data from legacy systems to the cloud-based ERP can present data accuracy and integrity issues.

Comprehensive data migration planning and validation processes are necessary to minimize disruptions.

  • User Interface and Experience:

Front-end staff’s acceptance of the cloud-based ERP may be influenced by the user interface and overall user experience. Ensuring an intuitive and user-friendly interface will facilitate seamless adoption and reduce resistance.

Addressing these hurdles through effective training, reliable support, and comprehensive planning is crucial for seamless adoption.

Why is Promantia’s Cloud-Based ERP Software the Right Choice for you?

Embracing cloud-based ERP software technology can lead to transformative changes and provide a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business environment.

Key benefits include:


Cloud-based ERP eliminates the need for significant upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure, reducing capital expenses.

Companies can opt for subscription-based pricing models, paying only for the resources and features they need, making it a cost-effective choice for businesses of all sizes.


Cloud-based ERP allows users to access real-time data and critical business information from anywhere, at any time, through the Internet.

This flexibility enables remote collaboration, promoting productivity in mobile workforces.

Scalability and Growth

Cloud-based ERP software solutions can easily scale up or down based on business requirements. As businesses expand, cloud ERP can seamlessly adjust to handle increased data volumes, users, and additional features without disruptions.

Rapid Implementation and Deployment

Cloud-based ERP systems are generally quicker to implement compared to on-premises solutions.

The absence of complex hardware setup and the ability to utilize pre-configured templates reduce deployment time and provide more value.

Automatic Updates and Maintenance

Cloud-based ERP providers handle software updates and maintenance, ensuring that the system is always up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.

This allows IT teams to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine maintenance tasks.

Data Security and Compliance

Reputable cloud ERP vendors invest heavily in data security measures, employing encryption, firewalls, and regular backups to protect sensitive information.

Compliance with data protection regulations provides peace of mind to companies handling confidential data.

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication

Real-time data access allows for informed decision-making, improved teamwork, and better customer service.

Integration Capabilities

Cloud ERP solutions are designed to integrate with various third-party applications, enabling seamless data flow across different systems.

Integration with CRM, e-commerce, and other business tools enhances overall efficiency and ensures a unified view of operations.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Cloud-based ERP systems come with data redundancy and backup mechanisms that safeguard critical information, minimizing downtime and data loss.

Environmental Impact

Cloud ERP contributes to a company’s environmental sustainability efforts by reducing the need for on-premises hardware and associated energy consumption.

Moreover, cloud data centers are often designed for energy efficiency, leading to a smaller carbon footprint.

In conclusion, adopting cloud-based ERP software offers significant benefits to businesses, ranging from cost savings and flexibility to improved security and collaboration. The scalability, ease of implementation, and automatic updates make cloud-based ERP an attractive choice for companies seeking to stay agile, competitive, and future-ready; and with a presence across 4 continents, you can always depend on Promantia’s services to optimize your business and increase overall productivity.





























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